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Church In The Time of Coronavirus
9:30 a.m. Sunday Zoom and Facebook instructions here
11 a.m. Sunday adult education Zoom instructions here.
6:45 p.m. First Tuesday of each month Taizé Zoom instructions here.
Church In The Time of Coronavirus
9:30 a.m. Sunday Zoom and Facebook instructions here
11 a.m. Sunday adult education Zoom instructions here.
6:45 p.m. First Tuesday of each month Taizé Zoom instructions here.
July 19, 2020 Text Here
July 19, 2020 Text Here
July 19, 2020 Text Here
July 19, 2020 Text Here
July 19, 2020 Text Here
July 19, 2020 Text Here
Church Life
Church life at Stone focuses on opportunities for fellowship and service, both within our own church community and in the world.
Some activities involve the entire congregation, some formally organized groups such as Presbyterian Women, and many in informally organized groups such as hikers, discussion groups.
The Deacons also organize many activities as a service to the congregation including special social events, Parents' Day Out and many others.
You can read more about the activities and events in the life of Stone Church on these pages:

A child learns about the organ from a choir member
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