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Church Library

Stone Church has a unique collection of religious and secular books for all ages built over many years by volunteers and generous donors.


The Chapel Library is located in the education wing of the church near the Church School rooms. It holds hundreds of interesting books for children and young adults.


Both libraries are accessible during church office hours 9 a.m.-1 p.m. weekdays. On Sundays, the 

Children’s/Young Adult library is reached through the church school rooms. The Adult Library in Lincoln House is open during coffee hour whenever a sign is posted in the Social Hall near the back door.

Lincoln House is home to the library and church offices

Featured in our library this Month


By Sue Williams, Library Coordinator


We’re happy to announce a “Library Sunday” the first week of every month. During coffee hour the adult library in Lincoln House will be open and ready for your visit. Grab your coffee and head over using the back door of the Social Hall and the back door of Lincoln House.


Children's library

Kids Can Draw Favorite Pets by Philippe Legendre (J 743 Leg)
This is an attractive and fun introduction to drawing. It uses basic shapes that proceed step by step to make animal pictures.


Say Something by Peggy Moss (Spec. Needs J Mos)
For more than a decade this book has been used widely in grades 2-7 to encourage children to break out of their silence and reach out to others who are being teased or bullied. Resources in the book help parents and children talk about this issue and how children can make a difference at their school.

Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters by Barack Obama (J 973 Oba)
This beautiful picture book has been placed in the library in memory of Sue Evans, a dedicated library volunteer for over 30 years who especially loved children’s literature. The book vibrantly shows the traits of many famous Americans -- creativity, courage and strength that can inspire people today.

Adult Library:
12 Major World Religions: Beliefs, Rituals & Traditions
by Jason Boyett (291 Boy)
Attractive and very readable, this book includes a timeline, tenets and practices for each religion. The author works carefully to show how the belief systems differ, where they intersect, and why some are or have been misunderstood. 

Being Mortal: Medicine & What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande (Spec. Needs – Aging 362.17 Gaw)
This very popular book by a surgeon and Harvard professor has been found by many to be engaging and thought-provoking. It contains much compassionate wisdom.


The Call of Stories: Teaching of the Moral Imagination by Robert Coles (808.0 Col)
This book joins ten others by Robert Coles that may be found throughout our library-- in Children, Biography, Women, Family, Social Issues, and Non-Fiction. This book celebrates the power of storytelling to promote learning and self-discovery.


* Please see our book carts in the Social Hall and one in the Narthex for exciting books for all ages.
* Visit the Chapel Library for children’s and YA books any Sunday by going through the church school rooms. And visit the Library in Lincoln House during office hours all through the week and during coffee hour whenever the sign is hung near the back door of the Social Hall.

Happy reading!

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