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Church In The Time of Coronavirus
9:30 a.m. Sunday Zoom and Facebook instructions here
11 a.m. Sunday adult education Zoom instructions here.
6:45 p.m. First Tuesday of each month Taizé Zoom instructions here.
Church In The Time of Coronavirus
9:30 a.m. Sunday Zoom and Facebook instructions here
11 a.m. Sunday adult education Zoom instructions here.
6:45 p.m. First Tuesday of each month Taizé Zoom instructions here.
July 19, 2020 Text Here
July 19, 2020 Text Here
July 19, 2020 Text Here
July 19, 2020 Text Here
July 19, 2020 Text Here
July 19, 2020 Text Here
Christian Education
ON THIS PAGE: Adult Education | Church School
Adult Education
Stone Church offers a variety of learning opportunities for adults.
Sunday morning classes are led by the pastors, church members or visitors with expertise on particular topics.

Adult class hears a guest speaker
Church School
Children 4 years old through fifth grade attend the Sunday worship service through the children's sermon, then are excused to attend Church School. On Communion Sundays they meet in the Fireside Room before the worship service at 9:30 a.m. and join the congregation in the latter part of the service to celebrate communion.

The children's sermon before Church School
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