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We Want to Hear Your Voice

Register now to participate in a Mission Study Committee listening session on Stone Church's future. The deadline is January 31; sessions will be in February.

Worship at Stone
Sunday worship at 9:30 am
Taize first Tuesday of each month 6:45 pm

January 19 sermon:
Experiencing Jesus as a Friend

Who is welcome at your table? Who are you unintentionally, perhaps, excluding because you only surround yourself with easy people? Put it another way: How might you be robbing yourself of the wisdom and support you might have if you were setting a table of friendship as wide as Jesus sets his?

Rev. Fred Harrell

Zoom Central

We worship and hold adult education classes in person in the sanctuary or online via Zoom or Facebook. Meetings of Elders, Deacons and church committees are held on Zoom. 

1-19-25 Online BULLETIN.jpg

Click image to open

January 19 bulletin

Anchor 2


Taizé meditation & prayer


Taizé services are held in-person only (no Zoom) at 6:45 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month except Advent and Lent, when services are weekly. The prelude begins at 6:35 p.m. 

Taizé when you want it


Here's a Taizé service video for your meditation between in-person services. Just click on the video box at left.

We Welcome Diversity

American Sign Language

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