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Lent at Stone

Sunday worship at 9:30 am
Taize each Tuesday of Lent at 6:45 pm

March 23 sermon:
The Wilderness of Sickness

When we believe we’re right, we stop learning. When we see ourselves as righteous, we stop receiving grace. When we think we know who’s good and bad, we miss mercy. And when we’re sure we see clearly, we stop noticing anything new. But God often moves in unexpected people and places. While we may cling to old ways and rules, Jesus is always about the new — new vision, new mercy, new healing, new freedom.

Rev. Fred Harrell

Zoom Central

We worship and hold adult education classes in person in the sanctuary or online via Zoom or Facebook. Meetings of Elders, Deacons and church committees are held on Zoom. 

3-23-25 Online BULLETIN.jpg

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March 17 bulletin

Anchor 2


Taizé meditation & prayer


Taizé services are held in-person only (no Zoom) at 6:45 p.m. each Tuesday during Lent. The prelude begins at 6:35 p.m. 

Taizé when you want it


Here's a Taizé service video for your meditation between in-person services. Just click on the video box at left.

We Welcome Diversity

American Sign Language

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